
The Idol of Heteronormativity


In this teaching, Leah examines human sexuality and the distinct categories that it includes: biological sex, gender, and sexual orientation. She begins by exploring the lens cultures, as well as faith communities, have often viewed these aspects of sexuality through: heteronormativity. Do these traditional ways of viewing sexuality in the church and the broader culture match the complexity of these topics? If not, how might our faith actually inform a change in perspective?

Listen to the teaching below or read Leah's notes here.

Together With Immigrants

Immigration Rally

What did Jesus mean when he encouraged his followers to "welcome the stranger"? How might that encouragement inform our own perspective on the welcome of vulnerable immigrants in our communities, particularly in a time when those immigrants are at heightened risk? As our guest preacher Pastor Tita Valeriano shares, "Hospitality is not just about opening our door and being nice until they leave our house. For Christ, it is truly more than that."

Listen below for more of Tita's words on Jesus' view of hospitality and the implications of "Celebrate Together" on our inclusion of immigrants.

Revolution. Seriously.

William Joseph Seymour was an African-American man born in Louisiana in 1870.  His childhood was not an easy one.  His parents, Simon and Phyllis were former slaves.  William was the oldest in a large family that lived in abject poverty.  He grew up in a dangerous time for African-Americans in the south.  The KKK actively terrorized the blacks of southern Louisiana, and violence against them was extremely common.