
Sacred Heritage

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In this teaching from the "Recovering the Sacred" series, Leah explores how we might handle stories and texts from our sacred tradition that we find problematic, and what it might mean to "include and transcend" as we seek to rebuild and recover our spiritual practices.

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

The Work In the Exile

Photo credit: H

Photo credit: H

This is the second teaching in a series called "Faith In the Exile". This series focuses on the experiences we are living through in 2020 and asks if our tradition might hold wisdom for us in the era known as the Babylonian Exile. In times of crisis, one of the ways we cope is to examine our histories and the stories that have formed us. This teaching takes a look at how that was done by our ancestors in the exile, the ways their work in that time touches us still, and in what ways we might follow their lead in our own exile experiences.

Review Leah’s notes here, listen along, or view the teaching below.

Let's Talk About the Bible

Photo credit: Coen Peppelenbos found here

Photo credit: Coen Peppelenbos found here

A critical piece for many of us in regards to Jesus-centered faith seems to do with how we think about the Bible. In this teaching, Matt Silas shares some of his journey of deconstruction around the Bible (beginning around 7 minutes in), and Leah opens up a conversation around some of the ways we might think about reconstructing a healthy relationship with this set of texts the Christian faith calls sacred.

Review Leah’s notes here or listen to the teaching below.

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