In this next teaching on Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Leah explores his leadership in the Confessing Church and his efforts to disciple Christian resistance in Nazi Germany. She shares how Bonhoeffer trained young pastors in an underground seminary, centering their faith on intentional community and the radical teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. His writings from this period, Discipleship and Life Together, challenge us to embrace “costly grace” —a faith the resists injustice rather than conforming to empire. Leah also reflects on the story of Martin Niemöller, a pastor who initially supported Hitler but later repented and spoke out, reminding us that resistance can take many forms. This teaching invites us to examine our own discipleship, the communities that shape us, and how we are called to live out faith in ways that challenge oppression.
Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.