As Lent begins, Leah launches a special series within “Earthly Empire & Divine Kin-dom,” focusing on the life and resistance of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. She examines how Bonhoeffer’s time in New York—studying at Union Theological Seminary, worshiping at Abyssinian Baptist Church, and confronting American racism—transformed his understanding of Jesus and justice. These experiences sharpened his resistance to Hitler’s rise in Germany, as he saw faith not as mere platitudes but as a radical call to action. Leah challenges us to reflect on our own lives: How have our experiences shaped our faith? How do we discern our personal path of resistance to injustice? This teaching invites us to step into Lent with renewed awareness, courage, and commitment to the work of Divine kin-dom.
Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.