
Advent 1: Look Up

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In this first teaching in our Advent series, Pastor Leah lays the groundwork for beginning the Advent "Journey to Joy" together, even at the end of a challenging year. We also look together at a couple of the traditional texts for the first week of Advent, and consider their invitation to "look up".

Read Leah’s notes here, or listen to or watch the teaching below.

Advent 1: Hope Coming to Discouragement

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Advent is Latin for "coming" and has traditionally been understood by the church as a time to prepare our hearts, spirits, and minds for the remembrance of Jesus' first coming at Christmas, as well as the coming we look ahead to. This year, Leah will be asking what it means in this present moment, the Bay Area in late 2017, to experience God's "coming" in practical terms, along with the gifts that coming brings.

This first Sunday of Advent, Leah considers the traditional gift reflected in the first Sunday of Advent: the gift of Hope. Is hope just a hallmark sentiment? Wishful thinking? Naiveté? Or is it something essential to moving forward in faith and community, particularly in trying times? These are the questions Leah considers, with inspiration from the Prophet Isaiah.

Review Leah's notes here or listen to the teaching below.