
Advent 2023: Entering the Mystery

Journey into the sacred silence of Advent with this insightful sermon as Leah explores the biblical story of Elizabeth and Zechariah. Delve into the mystery of their encounters with the divine, as Zechariah's silence and Elizabeth's voluntary seclusion unfold into profound moments of spiritual revelation. Discover the transformative power of silence and solitude during the busy holiday season, and join us in practical contemplative practices to tune into the sacred presence. This sermon invites you to reflect, find joy in the midst of weariness, and make space for encounters with the divine in your own life.

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

Preparing for Breakthrough: Advent 1

“Simeon and Anna Recognize the Lord in Jesus” by Rembrandt

“Simeon and Anna Recognize the Lord in Jesus” by Rembrandt

On the first teaching in our Advent series, Leah looks at a passage from the end of the Christmas narrative to give us inspiration on how we prepare and participate in the coming that Advent marks. How might two elders of faith give us insight on how to live into the crying out for breakthrough in our time?

Listen to Leah’s teaching below or read her notes here.

Advent 1: Hope Coming to Discouragement

One Advent Candle.jpg

Advent is Latin for "coming" and has traditionally been understood by the church as a time to prepare our hearts, spirits, and minds for the remembrance of Jesus' first coming at Christmas, as well as the coming we look ahead to. This year, Leah will be asking what it means in this present moment, the Bay Area in late 2017, to experience God's "coming" in practical terms, along with the gifts that coming brings.

This first Sunday of Advent, Leah considers the traditional gift reflected in the first Sunday of Advent: the gift of Hope. Is hope just a hallmark sentiment? Wishful thinking? Naiveté? Or is it something essential to moving forward in faith and community, particularly in trying times? These are the questions Leah considers, with inspiration from the Prophet Isaiah.

Review Leah's notes here or listen to the teaching below.

Longing for Encouragement

By Liesel (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

By Liesel (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

Don't feel much like Decking the Halls right now?  Too in touch with the pain, injustice, and fear this year has triggered? You're in good company. This Advent at Haven we will not paper over pain and lament with Holiday wrapping, but rather we will sit in the discomfort and longing, and call out to God to break into our world again. As we do so, we'll look to the Minor Prophets for inspiration, as they too lived in dark times but yearned and lamented for the Light of God to break through the darkness. 

This first week, we look at Habakkuk, and how he speaks into our longing for encouragement. Listen along or read the notes.