
"What can stand in the way?" Insights from Queer Theology

Step into a journey of discovery with Lead Pastor Leah as she shares a heartwarming anecdote about her daughter's profound insight that reshaped her perception of God. Set against the backdrop of Pride Month, Leah leads us into the realm of Queer Theology, unraveling its significance in navigating complex aspects of faith and identity. Through the lens of author Patrick Cheng's nuanced definitions and author Mihee Kim-Kort's insightful perspectives, Leah invites us to explore the multifaceted meanings of queerness and its potential impact on our spirituality. Don't miss this opportunity to engage in a dialogue that challenges conventions and fosters a deeper understanding of ourselves and the Divine.

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

Who is God Anyway?

photocredit: johnfinn564

photocredit: johnfinn564

In this teaching, Leah tackles deconstructing and reconstructing our understanding of the Identity of God, and Izek Champ share’s his own story on topic. (For Izek’s story, listen at 9 minutes.)

Listen to the teaching below or review Leah’s notes here.