
"A People United?" by guest speaker Sandhya Jha

Our service this Sunday featured the brilliant guest speaker Sandhya Jha, an esteemed activist, author, and speaker. In their thought-provoking discussion titled 'A People United?', Sandhya shared insightful perspectives and powerful messages that are sure to leave all viewers and listeners inspired and motivated to create positive change in their lives and communities and ask the harder questions of themselves and their communities.

Listen to or watch the teaching below.

The Rituals That Build the Collective


In this service kicking off the 2020 Election week, Leah asks us to consider how elections function in our culture as a civic ritual, and looks to Paul's instruction around a faith ritual, the Lord's Supper, for guidance on how to engage this week.

Read Leah’s notes here and listen to or view the teaching below.