Haven's Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

March 13 UPDATE: Things have changed since this post was created. Learn about the latest here.

Image credit: nursingschoolsnearme.com/

Image credit: nursingschoolsnearme.com/

As I’m sure you’re all aware, the novel coronavirus is upending communal life around the globe in unprecedented ways. Here at Haven, our staff and lay leaders have been monitoring recommendations from public health officials, connecting with staff at Berkeley Unified School District, and consulting with friends and colleagues in other faith communities. We have done all of this with the hope of discerning a wise plan for how to proceed in a way that honors the needs in our spiritual community, as well as serves to slow down the impact of COVID-19 on the community we inhabit.

Currently (as of Wednesday, March 11), Alameda County Public Health recommendations do not include the cancellation of gatherings for communities of our size. Because we are relatively small and meet in a relatively large space, the risk to public health is lower for Haven to gather than it would be for other communities of faith, in which significant numbers of people are congregating close together. The fact that we only meet twice a month as a full group is also helpful. We currently only have one service scheduled in the next three weeks (this Sunday, March 15th). Still, at a time when the spread of this disease is not under control, there are risks to any social gathering. When we gather in person, we will regularly be assessing ways in which we can do this as safely as possible. Specifics on what we currently are planning are listed below. We will also be prepared to cancel in-person gatherings or transition them to virtual-only options if it becomes clear that this action is needed.

While we take seriously the threat of COVID-19 on our community, we also acknowledge that in a time of fear and uncertainty like we are in the midst of, social isolation can carry its own costs and risks. At Haven, we take seriously the need to provide spaces for folks to experience care and support from their spiritual community. We affirm that the Jesus we follow calls us not into fear and self-protection, but into hope, cooperative care and love that is demonstrated in tangible ways to our neighbors. Even in the uncertain times we find ourselves in, we will seek to embody that truth in all that we do.

With all of this in mind, here are the practical strategies we are currently putting into place at Haven.

Community Interactions: For the time being, we will continue holding services, small groups, meal groups, and other in-person gatherings, but we ask folks who are exhibiting cold or flu symptoms to remain at home, so as not to expose others to illness. We also encourage those in high-risk categories (those over 60 or who are immunocompromised) to consider staying home in order to remain safe.

At all in-person gatherings, we will encourage one another to wash hands regularly, particularly around the handling of food. We will be engaging in disinfecting the space before the service, and the school staff is doing the same. We will also encourage a friendly but less-touch oriented way of greeting one another (so perhaps elbow-bumps over handshakes or hugs). At our services, we will have tissue available throughout the space in case folks need them, and if members of Haven have hand sanitizer they want to bring for themselves, or to share with others in the community, we encourage them to bring it.

Because public health professionals are recommending that for “social distancing” people in public remain at least an arm’s length apart, we will arrange our seating accordingly, with more space placed between all of the chairs. We also welcome you to inhabit the room in whatever way feels safe for you, including moving your chair farther away from the group, if preferred.

Sunday Hospitality: For the time being, and out of an abundance of caution, we will temporarily suspend our Sunday bagel service. Instead, we will supply a variety of single-serving, pre-wrapped snacks such as granola bars. We will also have one of our hospitality team members present to serve cups of coffee or hot water (with gloves on), so as to minimize the risk of people spreading germs through our beverage station. You may also consider bringing your own hot beverage in a reusable cup to minimize your risk. If you’d like to have lunch with other Haven-ites after service, we recommend bringing your own lunch from home and enjoying a picnic on the yard (though probably best to refrain from sharing food, if possible).

Communion Service: In the coming Sundays we will serve communion in individual, recyclable plastic cups. We will also have a communion server wearing gloves distribute a gluten-free cracker to each person who would like to take communion. 

Virtual Services: For those who are not able to join us in person we will begin live-streaming our services via Zoom, Facebook Live and Youtube, beginning this Sunday. (Look for links for these to be posted here soon.) We are also working on adding capability for these Sunday webinars to allow for interaction, so that conversations around the sermon topics can still take place. Tech-savvy folks: we are looking for a few volunteers to help manage these virtual webinars on Sundays. If you would consider being a part of this effort, let me know. We can also add Zoom capability to any small group or meal group that would like to have a virtual component to give access to those who are unable to gather in person.

Coronavirus Rapid Response Support: Our connections pastor Jeanne Wong will be taking the lead on launching a rapid response team to attend to needs in the community as they arise. Need someone to take your kids somewhere while you self-isolate? Need help acquiring groceries, or prescription medications? Contact Jeanne and let her know what you need. Please also connect with her if you are open to being a part of this rapid response team that helps meet these needs, as they arise.

Of course much has changed in the past couple of weeks regarding coronavirus, and the leadership of Haven expects that this will continue to be the case. Check this blog for more updates as things unfold. Let me know if you have questions or concerns about anything communicated here. And please, stay safe, stay connected, and join us in praying for one another and our broader community in the days and weeks to come.

- Leah