In June, as part of our community recognition of LGBTQ Pride month, we will be welcoming a guest speaker on Sunday, June 16. Marsha Stevens was a teenager when she came to faith in Jesus during the Jesus Movement of the late 1960s. She quickly wrote a song, "For Those Tears I Died (Come To the Water)" that helped usher in a new era of music in the church, earning her the title "the mother of Christian Contemporary Music" by publications like Christian Century. However, years later when Marsha came out as a lesbian, many of her biggest fans ripped her songs out of their hymnbooks. Fifty years after writing that first important song, Marsha is still sharing her story and making music, and on June 16th she'll share some of both with Haven. Please note: Haven youth will not meet this Sunday, but youth will be invited to remain with the adults and listen as Marsha shares with us.