Navigating the Maze

Finding Wisdom

Join Pastor Leah as she delves into the intersection of spirituality and mental health through the lens of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT). This teaching unpacks the "Wise Mind" concept, highlighting how Jesus embodied this balance of emotion and reason in his actions and teachings. Through relatable anecdotes and biblical stories, Leah explorse practical DBT skills like mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation, and interpersonal effectiveness. Discover how these tools can help us stay grounded, connected, and focused on what truly matters in challenging times. Tune in for an enriching journey towards deeper wisdom and spiritual resilience.

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

"What can stand in the way?" Insights from Queer Theology

Step into a journey of discovery with Lead Pastor Leah as she shares a heartwarming anecdote about her daughter's profound insight that reshaped her perception of God. Set against the backdrop of Pride Month, Leah leads us into the realm of Queer Theology, unraveling its significance in navigating complex aspects of faith and identity. Through the lens of author Patrick Cheng's nuanced definitions and author Mihee Kim-Kort's insightful perspectives, Leah invites us to explore the multifaceted meanings of queerness and its potential impact on our spirituality. Don't miss this opportunity to engage in a dialogue that challenges conventions and fosters a deeper understanding of ourselves and the Divine.

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

Embracing the Spectrum of Belief: Understanding and Appreciating Diversity in Spiritual Thought

Embark on a transformative journey of spiritual exploration with this Sunday’s enlightening discourse. Inspired by personal encounters and sacred sites like the Temple Mount, our guest speaker invites you to transcend the confines of singular belief systems and embrace the richness of spiritual diversity.

Delve into "omnism," advocating respect for all religions, fostering appreciation for diverse beliefs. Challenge traditional boundaries, exploring dangers of misinterpretation and urging curiosity. Discover Hindu philosophy's wisdom in diverse spiritual approaches through "Ishta Devata" and interconnectedness. Reflect on parallels between quantum entanglement and spiritual interconnectedness.

Join us on a journey of discovery and enlightenment, where open hearts and open minds pave the way for a more inclusive and harmonious world. Embrace the boundless potential of spiritual growth and interconnectedness, as we honour the richness and diversity of belief systems that shape our collective journey toward truth and enlightenment.

Review luca’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

Navigating the Maze: God & Suffering

Embark on a soul-stirring exploration with Leah as she ventures into the depths of theodicy, seeking to unravel the tangled threads of suffering and faith. Reflecting on poignant personal moments and insights gleaned from her studies, Leah guides listeners through four thought-provoking models that grapple with the age-old question: where is God in the midst of suffering? From the traditional notion of "God's Plan" to the contemporary perspectives of divine empathy and human agency, each model offers a unique lens through which to view life's complexities.

Drawing from theological giants like John Calvin to contemporary thinkers like Thomas Oord, Leah navigates the intricacies of faith with grace and candor. Through poignant anecdotes and scholarly reflections, she invites listeners to ponder their own experiences of suffering and the ways in which they encounter the divine in the midst of life's storms.

As Leah shares her own evolving journey through the maze of theodicy, she offers not answers, but an invitation to wrestle with the profound mysteries of existence. Ultimately, she reminds us of the enduring hope that threads through our tradition—a hope that one day, all tears will be wiped away, and a new order of peace and wholeness will dawn.

Join Leah on this transformative exploration, and discover where your own path intersects with the eternal questions of faith, suffering, and redemption.

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

Navigating the Maze: Making Peace in a World of War

Embark on a transformative journey with Leah in her thought-provoking teaching series, "Navigating the Maze: Finding God in the Midst of Complexity," where she skilfully interweaves profound insights from Colum McCann's novel "Apeirogon" with real-life narratives of hope and reconciliation.

Drawing upon the poignant experiences of Basaam Aramin and Rami Elhannan, two fathers who transcended barriers of grief and animosity to become champions of peace, Leah offers profound reflections on the power of empathy, forgiveness, and collective action. From the early Christian ethos of pacifism to the complex moral frameworks of just-war theory, Leah guides us through the historical pathways traversed by Christians in their quest for ethical engagement with conflict.

But the journey does not end with historical reflections; Leah invites us to explore the emergent paradigm of Just Peacemaking, a holistic approach that transcends traditional dichotomies and calls us to embrace multifaceted strategies for sustainable peace-building. Through engaging discussions and insightful reflections, Leah empowers us to discern our unique role in fostering reconciliation and justice in our communities and beyond.

Join Leah in this illuminating exploration of peace and conflict, where ancient wisdom meets contemporary challenges, and where each of us is invited to be a catalyst for transformative change.

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

Navigating the Maze: The Blessing of the Doubter, Guest Speaker Cara Meredith

Step into the realm of faith and doubt with Cara Meredith, our special guest speaker, as she guides us through a rich exploration of Thomas's encounter with the risen Christ. In this week's Sunday service, delve into the complexities of belief and disbelief, as we unpack the narrative from John 20:24-31. Discover how Thomas, often labeled "The Doubter," embodies the struggles many face in navigating the maze of faith. Through Thomas's journey, we're invited to question, doubt, and ultimately encounter the transformative love of God. Join us as we journey together, exploring the depths of doubt and rediscovering the profound truth that God finds us in our moments of deepest need. This service promises to be a beacon of hope and a reminder that, despite the uncertainties of life, the path of love and faith remains steadfast.

Review Cara’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.

Navigating the Maze: Finding God in the Midst of Complexity (An Easter Story)

Embark on a captivating exploration with Leah as she delves into the ancient Greek myth of Theseus, Ariadne, and the Minotaur, seamlessly weaving it into our contemporary struggles in her latest teaching series, "Navigating the Maze: Finding God in Complexity." Leah highlights the challenges of navigating modern-day mazes, addressing collective trauma and societal fragmentation while offering profound reflections on faith's role in guiding us through. Join Leah on this transformative journey as we seek hope beyond the maze, finding connection, healing, and liberation in the presence of the Divine.

Review Leah’s notes here and listen to or watch the teaching below.